* Dual Axis XY Joystick controller
+ * Uses DMA to store converted input channels. The Analog to Digital
+ * converter (ADC1) is in scan mode and continuously monitors input
+ * channel 0 and 1. There is only one busy-wait for initial calibration
+ * of the ADC. The reference voltage here is 3300 mV. For 2500 mV (idle
+ * state of the joystick) this rougly translate to a value of 3100
+ * (or 0xC1C) in the 12-bit data register (ADC1_DR).
+ * Active and non-active (or left and right, up or down for the joystick)
+ * are 0x0 and 0xFFF respectively.
+ * Use getx and gety to get the current X and Y values of the joystick.
+ * How to use for games: TODO (description)
* */
uint16_t xyvalues[2] = {0,0};
-/* Y return values is mV
- * ~2500 mv means y is idle state
- * ~0 far left
- * ~5000 far right */
+/* Y return values is
+ * ~0xC1C mv means y is idle state
+ * ~0x0 far left
+ * ~0xFFF far right */
uint16_t mk450_gety() {
- int y = xyvalues[1];
+ int y = xyvalues[1];
return y;
return x;
+/* Initiate joystock module and DMA */
void mk450_init() {
- // clock prescaler
+ /* clock prescaler */
rsetbitsfrom(RCC_CFGR, 14, 0x3);
+ /* Peripherial init */
rsetbit(RCC_APB2ENR, 2); // enable GPIOA
rwrite(GPIOA_CRL, 0x44444400); // analog input on GPIOA0
rsetbit(RCC_APB2ENR, 9); // enable ADC1
/* DMA init */
rsetbit(RCC_AHBENR, 0); // enable clock on DMA1
rwrite(DMA_CPAR1, (uint32_t) ADC1_DR);
- rwrite(DMA_CMAR1, xyvalues);
+ rwrite(DMA_CMAR1, (uint32_t) xyvalues);
rwrite(DMA_CNDTR1, 2); // two values X and Y values
rsetbitsfrom(DMA_CCR1, 8, 0x1); // 16-bit
rsetbitsfrom(DMA_CCR1, 10, 0x1); // 16-bit
rsetbit(DMA_CCR1, 7); // memory increment mode
rsetbit(DMA_CCR1, 5); // circular mode
- /* DMA Interrupt */
- //ivt_set_gate(27, dma_interrupt, 0);
- //rsetbit(NVIC_ISER0, 11);
- //rsetbit(DMA_CCR1, 1);
rsetbit(DMA_CCR1, 0); // channel enable
- /* Scan mode for two input channels*/
+ /* Scan mode for two input channels */
rsetbitsfrom(ADC1_SQR1, 20, 0x1); // 2 channels
rsetbitsfrom(ADC1_SQR3, 0, 0x0); // ADC1_IN0
rsetbitsfrom(ADC1_SQR3, 5, 0x1); // ADC1_IN1
rsetbit(ADC1_CR1, 8); // scan mode
+ /* Software start and channel config */
rsetbitsfrom(ADC1_CR2, 17, 0x7); // swstart config
rsetbit(ADC1_CR2, 20); // trigger enable
rsetbitsfrom(ADC1_SMPR2, 0, 0x7); // 237 cycles
/* Calibrate */
rsetbit(ADC1_CR2, 2); // calibrate
- _block(500);
- /* Interrupt End of conversion (group!) */
- //ivt_set_gate(34, eoc_interrupt, 0);
- //rsetbit(NVIC_ISER0, 18);
- //rsetbit(ADC1_CR1, 5);
+ _block(50);
+ /* Wakeup TODO: check datasheet for double init */
rsetbit(ADC1_CR2, 8); // enable DMA
rsetbit(ADC1_CR2, 0); // enable ADC
rsetbit(ADC1_CR2, 22); // swstart go!
-/* End of conversion interrupt */
-void * eoc_interrupt() {
- printf("SR1: %p\n", *ADC1_SR1);
- printf("CR1: %p\n", *ADC1_CR1);
- printf("CR2: %p\n", *ADC1_CR2);
- printf("DR: %p\n", *ADC1_DR); // reading data registers clear interrupt flag
-/* DMA interrupt */
-void * dma_interrupt() {
- printf("DMA Interrupt!\n");
- printf("Values: %x:%x\n", xyvalues[0], xyvalues[1] );
- rsetbit(DMA_IFCR, 1);