2019-08-14 Robin update
2019-08-14 Robin Krensadded commenting, removed deprecated functions
2019-08-14 Robin Krensrtc example with tm1637 driver
2019-08-13 Robin Krensrewrite register function, code formatting
2019-08-13 Robin KrensMerge branch 'tm1637'
2019-08-13 Robin Krensacknowledges for send bits
2019-08-13 Robin Krenstm1637 function routine rewrite
2019-08-13 Robin Krensset address location, reset I2C
2019-08-12 Robin KrensBasic functionality for TM1637
2019-08-12 Robin Krenspretty print EEPROM
2019-08-11 Robin Krenseeprom, cases for n=1, n=2 and n>2
2019-08-11 Robin Krenseeprom sequential read
2019-08-09 Robin Krenseeprom at24c signs of life
2019-08-06 Robin Krensraising and failing edge capture on TIM4
2019-08-05 Robin Krensbasic implemtation general purpose clock and tinyprintf
2019-08-01 Robin Krensrtc implementation
2019-07-30 Robin KrensHSE usage
2019-07-28 Robin Krenstm1637 signs of life, terminal builtin cmds
2019-07-25 Robin Krensbasic led gpio driver
2019-07-24 Robin Krenstested working terminal and reordering of code
2019-07-23 Robin Krensbasic terminal
2019-07-22 Robin Krensfixed-sized memory pool allocator
2019-07-19 Robin Krenssmall system SRAM info output
2019-07-19 Robin Krensfurther ivt and isr implementation
2019-07-18 Robin Krensuart small ping pong receive, update of register functions
2019-07-15 Robin Krensbasic memory management and uart wait fix
2019-07-14 Robin Krensuart functionality (delay) + interrupt tested
2019-07-13 Robin Krensbasic uart functionality (not tested)
2019-07-10 Robin Krensimplementation of interrupts, SysTick exception
2019-07-10 Robin Krensinit vector implementation
2019-07-09 Robin Krensprint to uart0 [note: always printed on screen through...
2019-07-08 Robin Krensjump to c
2019-07-05 Robin Krensstatic RAM (.data) usage
2019-07-05 Robin Krensfirst commit, basic setup and makefile