-#define SYSCTRL_RCC ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x400FE060))
+#define SYSCTRL_RCC ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x40021000))
+#define RCC_APB2ENR ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x40021018)) // register to enable USART1
#define SYSCTRL_RIS ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x400FE050))
#define SYSCTRL_RCGC1 ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x400FE104))
#define SYSCTRL_RCGC2 ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x400FE108))
#define GPIOPA_AFSEL ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x40004420))
-#define UART0_DATA ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x4000C000))
-#define UART0_FLAG ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x4000C018))
-#define UART0_IBRD ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x4000C024))
-#define UART0_FBRD ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x4000C028))
-#define UART0_LCRH ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x4000C02C))
-#define UART0_CTRL ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x4000C030))
-#define UART0_RIS ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x4000C03C))
-#define UART1_DATA ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x4000D000))
-#define UART1_FLAG ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x4000D018))
-#define UART1_IBRD ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x4000D024))
-#define UART1_FBRD ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x4000D028))
-#define UART1_LCRH ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x4000D02C))
-#define UART1_CTRL ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x4000D030))
-#define UART1_RIS ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x4000D03C))
+#define GPIOA_CRH ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x40010804))
+#define AFIO_EVCR ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x40010000))
+#define USART1_SR ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x40013800))
+#define USART1_DR ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x40013804))
+#define USART1_BRR ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x40013808))
+#define USART1_CR1 ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x4001380C))
+#define USART1_CR3 ((volatile unsigned long *)(0x40013814))
void uart_init() {
-/* To use the UARTs, the peripheral clock must be enabled by setting the UART0, UART1, or UART2
-bits in the RCGC1 register. (section 12.4: Initialization and Configuration */
+ // enable clock to UART1
+ *RCC_APB2ENR = 0x4005;
+ *GPIOA_CRH = 0x444444D4;
+ *AFIO_EVCR = 0x89;
+ *USART1_CR1 = (0 << 13); // disable control register
+ *USART1_CR3 = 0xC0;
+ /* baud rate 9600
+ * 115200 = 8MHz / (16 * USARTDIV)
+ * USARTDIV = 4.34
+ * FRACTION: 16 x 0.34 = 0d5.44 0d5 -> 0x5
+ * MANTISSA: 0d4.34 0d4 -> 0x4
+ * USART_BRR = 0x45*/
+ *USART1_BRR = 0x00000045;
+ /* parity = 8 bit, UART1 enabled, TX and RX enabled, interrupts enabled */
+ *USART1_CR1 = (volatile uint32_t) 0x000030AC;
* Configure UART0:
/* TODO: bitrate: How fast is CPU running?*/
-*UART0_CTRL = 0;
+/* *UART0_CTRL = 0;
*UART0_IBRD = 27;
*UART0_FBRD = 9;
*UART0_LCRH = 0x60;
*UART1_FBRD = 9;
*UART1_LCRH = 0x60;
*UART1_CTRL = 0x301;
extern void uart_putc(unsigned char ch) {
- if (ch == '\n') {
- while ((*UART0_FLAG & 0x8)); // busy bit
- *UART0_DATA = 0x0D; // return line
- }
- while ((*UART0_FLAG & 0x8)); // busy bit
- *UART0_DATA = ch;
+// if (ch == '\n') {
+// while ((*UART1_DR & 0x8)); // busy bit
+// *USART1_DR = 0x0D; // return line
+// }
+// while ((*UART0_FLAG & 0x8)); // busy bit
+ *USART1_DR = ch;
extern void uart_puts(unsigned char *str)