--- /dev/null
+if exists('g:loaded_claudy')
+ finish
+let g:loaded_claudy = 1
+function! ClaudyRequest(json_data)
+ let api_key = g:claude_api_key
+ let json_string = json_encode(a:json_data)
+ let curl_cmd = 'curl -s -X POST "https://api.anthropic.com/v1/messages" ' .
+ \ '-H "x-api-key: ' . api_key . '" ' .
+ \ '-H "anthropic-version: 2023-06-01" ' .
+ \ '-H "content-type: application/json" ' .
+ \ '--data ' . shellescape(json_string)
+ let response = system(curl_cmd)
+ let parsed_response = json_decode(response)
+ if has_key(parsed_response, 'content') && len(parsed_response.content) > 0
+ let message = parsed_response.content[0].text
+ "let stripped_msg = substitute(message, '^```\|```$', '', 'g')
+ let stripped_msg = message[4:-4]
+ return stripped_msg
+ else
+ echo "Error: " . response
+ endif
+function! ClaudyImplement(user_prompt)
+ let system_prompt = "reply with an implementation of one function in C should be able to copied right into an editor, no explaining text, start always with ```c and end with ```"
+ let json_data = {
+ \ 'model': 'claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022',
+ \ 'max_tokens': 1024,
+ \ 'system': system_prompt,
+ \ 'messages': [
+ \ {
+ \ 'role': 'user',
+ \ 'content': a:user_prompt
+ \ }
+ \ ]
+ \ }
+ let new_code = ClaudyRequest(json_data)
+ put =new_code
+function! ClaudyRefactor(user_prompt)
+ let l:start_line = line("'<")
+ let l:end_line = line("'>")
+ let selected_text = a:user_prompt . shellescape(join(getline(l:start_line, l:end_line)))
+ let system_prompt = "reply with one C function (do not implement other functions) code should be able to copied right into an editor, no explaining text"
+ " Prepare the JSON payload
+ let json_data = {
+ \ 'model': 'claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022',
+ \ 'max_tokens': 1024,
+ \ 'system': system_prompt,
+ \ 'messages': [
+ \ {
+ \ 'role': 'user',
+ \ 'content': selected_text
+ \ }
+ \ ]
+ \ }
+ let refactored_code = ClaudyRequest(json_data)
+ vnew
+ put =refactored_code
+vnoremap <leader>c :<c-u>call ClaudyRefactor()
+vnoremap <leader>i :<c-u>call ClaudyImplement()