let l:start_line = line("'<")
let l:end_line = line("'>")
- let selected_text = a:user_prompt . shellescape(join(getline(l:start_line, l:end_line)))
+ let l:selected_text = a:user_prompt . shellescape(join(getline(l:start_line, l:end_line)))
- let system_prompt = "reply with one C function (do not implement other functions) code should be able to copied right into an editor, no explaining text"
+ let l:system_prompt = "detect programming language, reply with one function (do not implement other functions) code should be able to copied right into an editor, no explaining text, start always with ```c and end with ```"
" Prepare the JSON payload
- let json_data = {
+ let l:json_data = {
\ 'model': 'claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022',
\ 'max_tokens': 1024,
- \ 'system': system_prompt,
+ \ 'system': l:system_prompt,
\ 'messages': [
\ {
\ 'role': 'user',
- \ 'content': selected_text
+ \ 'content': l:selected_text
\ }
\ ]
\ }
- let refactored_code = ClaudyRequest(json_data)
+ let l:refactored_code = ClaudyRequest(l:json_data)
- put =refactored_code
+ setlocal syntax=c
+ setlocal buftype=nofile
+ put =l:refactored_code
vnoremap <leader>c :<c-u>call ClaudyRefactor()
vnoremap <leader>i :<c-u>call ClaudyImplement()
+vnoremap <leader>b :<c-u>call ClaudyTest()